But be aware, not everyone agrees with this one ( and certainly not in every situation), and you may want to pay particularly close attention to norms around chit chat when traveling internationally. 但也要意识到并不是所有人都同意这样(也绝不是在任何情形),在国际商务旅行时,你要特别关注聊天的规范。
This is the newer version of chit chat. 这是青少年聊天的最新版本。
A hugely popular television program is "Chit Chat of Beautiful Ladies"& a show where young, attractive, mostly Caucasian women who are fluent in Korean discuss South Korea. “美女狂聊”是一个大受欢迎的韩国电视节目,年轻漂亮、韩语流利的白人女子在节目中讨论韩国的方方面面。
Someone skilled at across-the-table chit chat. 在餐桌上非常健谈的人。
You can chat with your friends on LAN using chit chat. 你能与你的朋友在局域网用“青少年聊天”上聊天。
You don't always have the time for chit chat when you have to deal with clients and other people in the field so what better way than just shoot them and email. 你没有时间和顾客、其他人唠嗑,那么还有什么比发英文邮件更好的方法。